New Conservative Book Publisher Pushes Back on Teaching Kids About Being Trans

New conservative book publisher Brave Books has launched a children’s book titled “Elephants Are Not Birds.” The book was written by Ashley St. Clair and is aimed at combating “woke culture” being pushed on children.

The publisher states on their website they hope to “provide a conservative alternative to the current cultural activism that our children are being taught in schools, in the entertainment they watch and the books they read.”

The company’s CEO Trent Talbot told the New York Post he came up with the idea for Brave Books when he noticed that “there is a real war going on for the hearts and minds of our kids. And everywhere I looked was propaganda.” He cited the book “Antiracist Baby” by Ibram X. Kende as content that needed a counterpoint.

The company’s first book, “Elephants Are not Birds,” is a commentary on transgender ideology in which an Elephant that likes to sing is convinced he must be a bird. The elephant’s attempt to live life as a bird ultimately proves unsuccessful.

The book’s author, Ashley St. Clair, who is due to give birth to a boy in November, told The Post, “the book is an unapologetic rebuke of transgender acceptance and the growing number of young people identifying as trans.” Talbot said the book has been well received by kids aged 4 to 12 and that he “would love to see it taught in schools and on summer reading lists, and we’re going to fight to make that happen.”

Brave Books plans to only sell directly from their website and offer a subscription service for $12.99 per year. They also have plans to work with conservative personalities, Jack Posobiec and Dan Crenshaw.


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