What Does Believe “The Science” Actually Mean?

OPINION | The opinions expressed in this article are that of the writer, and may not necessarily reflect those of Tatum Report LLC

It seems, every time a scientist, politician, or layperson issues a valid challenge to leftist politicians or big tech gurus about the government’s CCP virus vacillations, the leftists inevitably answer, “We’re following the science.” As if “science” were a result rather than a process. Scientists define objective science as observation and experimentation governed by the scientific method.

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines “the study of [the] scientific method is the attempt to discern the activities by which that success is achieved. Among the activities often identified as characteristic of science are systematic observation and experimentation, inductive and deductive reasoning, and the formation and testing of hypotheses and theories.”

Tragically, as in the days of Galileo Galilei, the neo-Democrats have forbidden honest scientific inquiry. Today, as with the insolent and intolerant churchmen of Galileo’s day, leftist politicians and social media tech giants decide what “science” is, and you will agree with us or else.

As written on History.com, “Galileo agreed not to teach the heresy anymore and spent the rest of his life under house arrest. It took over three centuries for the Church to admit that Galileo was right and to clear his name of heresy.”

I know I’m not the only one to see the frightening similarities, and we need to challenge the Democrat’s censorship regime often and with resolve. Jen Psaki wields like a sword, deferring to “the science” of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Whenever a White House reporter (okay, only Peter Doocy) asks her legitimate questions about the CCP virus, she points him toward the CDC and “the science.”

You’ll also find “the science” in many businesses in blue cities where you’ll be confronted by a government bootlicker telling you they enforce the state’s mask mandate or demands to see your vaccine passport (medical history).

Seattle now has about 100 bars and restaurants that require customers to produce vaccine passports. And New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio now demands proof of vaccines before he’ll allow you to patronize restaurants, theaters, and gyms. “Your papers, now!”

However, suppose legitimate science is based on observation, experimentation, inductive and deductive reasoning, and testing hypotheses and theories. What is it the leftist politicians and big techies are calling “science?” Having censored and canceled so many eminent scientists (and others who question them), the authorities have drifted far from anything resembling the scientific method.

This Orwellian exercise of redefining words and terms triggered the muse in me. What if we replaced the word science with religion for this discussion? Just as Jen Psaki defers to “the religion,” let’s say there’s a mandate that exists because we adhere to “the religion.” “What religion?” you ask. Well, the religion, of course. Just like the science. Duh!

But I’m a Buddhist priest, and I want to tell people about my religion on YouTube…. Sorry, we must censor your misinformation. Your view does not adhere to our policies requiring information only based on the religion.

What about me? I’m a Catholic missionary, and I have some legitimate religious points to discuss. I’d like to post them on Facebook. No, sorry. Your views are not approved and do not qualify as a legitimate religion. Our experts have deemed your interpretation of religion is dangerous misinformation.

But, Jen Psaki, what is “the religion” you are talking about? Can you give us some objective data? “Well, I’m going to refer you to the CDC on whose expert information we base all our decisions.”

The CDC, for religion, too? Yes and no. This is the Centers for Dogma Control. Jen Psaki says, “We can’t have people, even eminent theologians, willy-nilly saying what they believe based on their research or allow them to present their findings on social media if they don’t agree with our experts.” “Sorry,” Psaki continues. “When I refer to their ‘research’ and ‘findings,’ I mean ‘their misinformation.’”

Okay, science and religion are different, but the similarities for the exercise fit. Both science and religion rely on free speech, open inquiry, and vigorous debate to thrive. Referring to “the science” (government-approved science) as a settled result everyone must accept, dissociating it from the scientific method is treacherous.

It’s as dangerous as allowing a government (and its high-tech lackeys) to declare itself the one and only arbiter of “true science” is diabolical. It seemed we’d come a long way since the days political, scientific, or religious leaders persecuted and arrested eminent scientists such as Galileo for sharing his scientific theories.

The authorities declared Galileo a heretic, censored, canceled him, and no longer allowed him to share his insights with the world. Can you imagine what else he may have added to human knowledge if the elites allowed him to continue his scientific experiments and share his work? Whether his contentions were right or wrong isn’t the point. The human right to express his beliefs is the point. But he was right, and humankind suffered for it.

Today, it’s likely humankind is suffering because of the neo-Democrats censoring and canceling so many scientists and declaring their knowledge “misinformation.” I was reminded of a quote attributed to economist Herb Stein, “if something can’t go on forever, it won’t.” What Biden is doing to America can’t go on forever. The question is, what will it take to stop it?

Hopefully, it won’t take 300 years to admit the CCP virus came from a lab in Wuhan, China, masks don’t work as they say, and the shutdowns needlessly damaged our people and economy?

Leftist entities not following the scientific method have thinking people bashing their heads into brick walls, attempting to have their honest inquiries answered. We’re told the CCP virus is worse than anything in history—you know, it’s the 1/6 insurrection of viruses. But we know it won’t kill some 99.7 percent of people.

Nevertheless, Biden’s folks keep throwing numbers at us calling it “the science.” In the beginning, it was the number of hospitalizations and then deaths, of which, reportedly, most were, again reportedly, attributed to co-morbidities. When the hospitalizations and deaths fell, the Left turned to numbers of “cases.”

Now, it’s the dreaded Delta variant which is more transmissible but less virulent. What’s next, the Epsilon X2 variation? Unless a person ends up hospitalized or dies, cases mean little, as most “cases” are asymptomatic.

Yet the leftist radical masked-vaxers keep hurling Delta variant case numbers at us like they’re dumping confetti on people at a parade and expecting them to freak out. The headlines read: “Parade-Goers Struck by Thousands of Falling Objects.” Then you learn the objects are teeny bits of paper that have no effect on the attendees unless someone gets a piece in his eye.

One thing Americans have learned is we cannot trust most government “authorities.” We can’t even trust their numbers, which have been constantly “readjusted” due to the intentional miscounting of people who died with Covid instead of from Covid.

Since early 2020, the CDC has squandered whatever esteem Americans previously held for the once trusted agency. What a shame. Seems many government agencies have been tainted by leftist politics.

There are many examples of Democrat-controlled government, since back in the Obama administration, politicizing, even weaponizing, the CDC, DOJ, FBI; IRS, NSA, CIA, and the rest of the alphabet soup agencies that have become Democrat Party appendages.

Ordinary Americans are slow to anger. They like to give their political leaders the benefit of the doubt it so often proves it doesn’t deserve. But the American people have always eventually come around and side with liberty. Let’s hope that happens again, soon.

The neo-Democrats have taught us something else during their exploitation of a CCP virus-caused global health crisis. That while elections have consequences, stolen elections can be catastrophic.
Just the attempt to investigate the massive election “irregularities” (we cops call it evidence) has been subverted with the same leftists’ censorship and cancellation as with the CCP virus. But, instead of appealing to “the science,” they’ve simply resorted to calling questioning the 2020 elections “The Big Lie.” Well, it is “big,” but it ain’t no lie. But we’ll leave that discussion, which America must eventually have, for another time.


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