Biden Fact Checked by CNN for Lying About Gas Prices

According to AAA, which knows a thing or two about gas prices, the current average national cost of regular gas is $3.75 per gallon.

However, as reported by Democrat state media service CNN, “During a campaign-style Friday speech at a Democratic National Committee event in Washington, President Joe Biden boasted about the three-month decline in gas prices and about the unemployment rate.”

“But he used inaccurate figures on both subjects…,” a CNN fact check showed. “Biden’s claim about average gasoline prices was false, as the White House acknowledged by correcting the official transcript after CNN inquired about the claim on Friday afternoon.”

RNC Research tweeted, Biden claimed, “‘In 41 states plus D.C., the average gasoline price is less than $2.99.’ That’s completely made up. There are ZERO states with an average price under $2.99/gal — and gas prices remain $1.31/gal higher than when Biden took office.”

But, as Biden and his regime have become notorious for, inaccuracies and even lies to further their corrupt political agenda are not obstacles for them. And, with the 2022 mid-term elections fast approaching, Americans will likely see the intentional inaccuracies and lies only intensify. 


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