JFK Assassination Documents Released But Thousands More Still Hidden

It’s been nearly 60 years since President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated, and many still believe there is more to the story of what happened that day. Answers could lie within documents that the federal government has concealed for over half a century.

So when it was announced that never before seen documents regarding the assassination of President Kennedy were going to be released, hopes were high.

Unfortunately, it’s far from the complete release that should’ve happened by 2017 as demanded by the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. 

In fact, only 1,500 pages were released, leaving at least 10,000 documents partially redacted or withheld altogether.

Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden have issued continuances, preventing the documents from reaching the people.

In a Biden press release defending the concealment, the President states that the National Archives is still reviewing the certified documents to ensure proper redaction.

Executive agencies and departments have been reviewing documents and redacting information since 2018. The National Archive further conducts its own inquiry as a form of checks and balances.

“The Archivist therefore recommends that the President ‘temporarily certify the continued withholding of all of the information certified in 2018’ and ‘direct two public releases of the information that has’ ultimately ‘been determined to be appropriate for release to the public,’ with one interim release later this year and one more comprehensive release in late 2022.”

The first of those releases occurred on December 15, while the next will be a year from now. 

When the government (or anyone for that matter) takes decades to release information to the public, one can easily assume that there is something sensational in hiding.

Whether it be an admission of guilt, concealing a monumental mistake, or something else altogether, the American government is well known for its coverups.

Portion of White House statement on JFK assassination documents October 2021

That said, it’s been nearly six decades since JFK was assassinated. What played out that November 22, 1963, is still under scrutiny. Some believe the official story, while others still demand to see proof.

Many Americans who are alive today were either children or not even born when this tragedy struck. Because of this, many are left to believe what they have been told as truth.

The official narrative is that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, firing a shot that pierced the President through the neck before landing in the shoulder of then Texas Governor John Connally (the one-bullet theory). A second shot was fired, striking JFK in the head, killing him instantly. His wife, Jackie Onassis Kennedy, is seen clearly in video footage clambering to grab her husband’s brain matter in a sudden reaction.

Two days later, a Dallas nightclub owner, Jack Ruby, murdered Oswald on live television. 

Connally’s wife later recalled the day’s events on Larry King Live and said she heard three separate shots. 

At the time, a House Select Committee was formed to investigate and concluded that Ruby wasn’t just a nightclub owner. He had connections to notorious mob boss Sam Giancana, among others.

Stories that the JFK assassination is tied to the mob are both refuted and exalted, depending on who you ask. 

Giancana’s brother wrote a book, “Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America.” The book is a secondhand account of his mob boss sibling’s life, including specific details about JFK’s last day on earth and the mob’s involvement.

Thirty years later, the book’s information remains undisputed, though unverified by concrete proof.

The full release of government documents could provide the necessary closure while simultaneously opening a can of worms they wish to keep closed.

  1. Huh, maybe the latest season of “American Horror Story – Double Feature” got it right – the second ‘feature’ storyline was about the alien encounters in the 50’s that wre scrupulously hidden by the executive office through multiple presidents (in the storyline, Ike signed the agreement with the aliens that they would keep themselves hidden in trade for abducting a few thousand Americans annually, rather then allow them to make a deal with the Russians)…but JFK, once told, was planning on telling the populace and so was dispatched accordingly.


  2. Oliver Stone put out a documentary that has aired on HBO. It covers quite a lot of information about the assassination, the doctors who tried to save JFK, the doctor(s) who autopsied JFK, and background on Leo Harvey Oswald. Interestingly enough, Oswald had CIA connections and it was speculated he was used as a patsy. It’s a must watch.

  3. The documentary that I saw had a very plausible version of what happened, and I’m not surprised that there has been a cover-up. So; Oswald fired the first shot and winged the president in the neck but it was not fatal.
    Travelling in front of the open presidential car was a security detail – also in an open car. You would expect them to be ‘cream-of-the-crop’ Secret Service types. Unfortunately one them wasn’t. Due to an illness on the day, an experienced officer was replaced by a rookie. When the rookie heard the first shot he spun round to see what what was happening and accidentally fired his weapon at the presidential car, fatally killing JFK.
    Let’s see if my comment gets cancelled. I won’t be surprised if it does!

  4. The public will never know the truth of what happened and who was involved. Much evidence has been lost, falsified and destroyed, and some was never recorded at all. It was intended by people high in government to hide the truth, and they did. We could see all they have and still not know because it’s neither entirely accurate or complete.

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