More Evidence Revealed On FBI Ties to Kidnaping Plot of Governor Whitmer

Authorities have reported that the FBI used at least 12 confidential informants to entrap a small group of six defendants involved in the Gov. Whitmer kidnapping, weeks before the 2020 election.

According to reports, the FBI has been sitting on the case for months, waiting for the right time to intervene in order to avoid a backlash before the election.

“In early 2020, the FBI became aware through social media that a group of individuals were discussing the violent overthrow of certain government and law-enforcement components,” says the Oct. 6 filing in the U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan.

According to the court record, 15 militia members from “several states,” including two from Michigan, met in Dublin, Ohio on June 6 to discuss taking “violent action against multiple state governments that they believe are violating the U.S. Constitution. Five men from Michigan and one from Delaware were eventually arrested and charged with kidnapping conspiracy.”


“… Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor. The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”

According to the court filing after the Ohio meeting, one of the Michigan suspects contacted leaders of a Michigan-based militia for assistance with the plan. The FBI already had an undercover informant within the militia, who had been recruited after law enforcement learned of the group’s previous plans to “target and kill police officers.”

According to the FBI affidavit, an informant told the FBI that during the June 6 meeting in Ohio, one of the men now charged in the case said he needed 200 men “to storm the Capitol building in Lansing, Michigan, and take hostages, including the Governor.” The suspect “explained that they would try Michigan’s governor for ‘treason,’ and that they would carry out the plan before the November 2020 elections.”

Following that meeting and the connection with the unnamed Michigan militia, the FBI said that planning sessions were held at a Grand Rapids shop in June. According to the FBI affidavit, attendees enter the meeting space “through a trap door hidden beneath a rug on the main floor.”

Plans for using “Molotov cocktails” to destroy police vehicles during an attack on the Lansing Capitol were discussed, as was the scheduling of an armed training session in July. One of the men charged proposed kidnapping Whitmer from her vacation home during a June 28 meeting that was audio recorded. He referred to it as a “snatch and grab.”

The man said, “Grab the f***in’ Governor.” Just grab the b**h. Because at that point, dude, we do that, and it’s over.”

At that point in the investigation, it appears that enough evidence about the conspiracy plot had been gathered. So, why did the FBI decide to keep the case open for so long?

Some speculate it was kept open so the FBI could wait for the right moment to release the information and use it to maximum political effect.


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