Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout Remains a Serious Security Threat to U.S.

Viktor Bout, Merchant of Death

Americans can hold three positions simultaneously about the recent U.S.-Russia prisoner swap. You can be pleased an American pro basketball player Brittney Griner, is no longer a Russian captive. You can be sad and frustrated another American, retired U.S. Marine, Paul Whelan, is still languishing in a Russian gulag. And, you can be incensed at such a lopsided trade, which returned to Russia what a former DEA chief called “one of the most dangerous men on the face of the Earth” and whom the Brits nicknamed the Merchant of Death. CNN reported Bout is also a “former Soviet military officer.”

Brittney Griner

According to Breitbart, “Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) predicted on Thursday that leftist President Joe Biden’s decision to trade imprisoned basketball player Brittney Griner for notorious Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout…, would result in people dying as rogue states interpreted the move as open season to arrest Americans.”

Russian captive American Paul Whelan

Robbie Gramer tweeted, “Bout, who was swapped for Griner with Russia, was convicted in 2011 for conspiring to sell millions of dollars worth of weapons to the FARC, a U.S.-designated terrorist group in Colombia, to be used to kill Americans according to the Justice Department.”

Townhall noted in a tweet Karine Jean-Pierre’s response to lingering questions that Bout is still a security risk. 

“You said the United States would stay vigilant. It sounds like the administration still sees [Viktor Bout] as a security threat, no?” 

KJP: “We are always going to stay vigilant.” 

“So you still have security concerns?” 

KJP: “I’m not the intelligence committee here.”

KJP has a nasty habit of not answering the questions asked and being otherwise elusive. But that has to be a requirement for any press secretary serving the Biden regime, right?


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